Right now I just have a love file for use with love2d. Will try for a WebAssembly/C++ version time permitting.

If you want a look at the code, you can find it at:


Version 1.1

Uploaded a love.js webassembly version to play in the browser. Had to cut the background music but otherwise it seems to work.

Mouse mode (toggle with the M key) allows you to play with the mouse. Ship follows the cursor, hold down the mouse button to fire, and the bomb is a double click. Was hoping it would work well on mobile (or at least somewhat).

Still hoping for a C++ upgraded version.


shmup.love 7 MB

Install instructions

You will need to download and install love2d to be able to run the game. Once installed you should be able to just double click on the shmup.love file to get it to run.


* Z or Space to Shoot/Confirm

* X or Tab to Bomb/Go Back

* M toggle mouse mode.

* Escape to exit at any time.


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(1 edit)

Hey the sound effects are cool.  I'm supprised you did it in a similar resolution as pico-8 if using a different engine.

Nice weapons.

Feels very fast.